Cosmos and Nightmare: The Films of Kidlat Tahimik
Tobias Hering (*1971) is a freelance curator and writer. His curatorial work focuses on film programmes, retrospectives and exhibitions exploring experimental documentary forms and the politics of the image. He writes for newspapers and magazines, artist books, essay collections and exhibition catalogues and also lectures and teaches on the topics of his research. In 2014, he edited the essay collection Der Standpunkt der Aufnahme - Point of View: Perspectives of political film and video work (Archive Books, Berlin), which had emerged from a curated film season at cinema Arsenal. info(at)standpunktderaufnahme.de
Dr. Tilman Baumgärtel is professor for media studies at Hochschule Mainz. He taught at the Film Institute of University of the Philippines in Manila from 2005 to 2009 und at the Department of Media and Communication at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia from 2009 to 2012. Selected Publications: Harun Farocki. Monographie eines deutschen Autorenfilmers, Berlin 1998; Southeast Asian Independent Cinema, Hong Kong 2012; Schleifen. Zur Geschichte und Ästhetik des Loops, Berlin 2015; Pirate Essays. A Reader in International Media Piracy, Amsterdam 2015