Who invented the Yo-yo? Who invented the Moon Buggy?
(Sinong Lumikha ng Yoyo? Sinong Lumikha ng Moon Buggy?)
Philippines/West Germany, 1978/82, 94 min, color
This quasi-sequel to The Perfumed Nightmare is not so widely known as Tahimik’s debut and yet is animated by a similar playfulness and resourcefulness and equally as inventive. Though shot immediately after "Nightmare", “Yoyo” was only completed after Turumba, and, as such is usually considered as Tahimik’s third feature.
Once again, it comes down to technology and mode of transport, but this time round it wasn’t a case of traveling to Europe by jeepney, but rather with a home-made rocket into the cosmos: the hero – again played by Kidlat Tahimik himself – teams up with a bunch of kids on a Bavarian farm to work on a spaceship, in order to see if one can play yo-yo on the moon. Yet, the yo-yo, as is still noted today in the dictionary, was invented in the Philippines, and so the farm near Ingolstadt becomes the birthplace of the first Philippine space project, in-short P.O.M.P.
Bavaria proves to be a well-disposed location for this hair-brained scheme: its abandoned barns provide components for space-crafts; its furrowed fields resemble lunar landscapes; the locals say “yo yo” when they want to signal approval, and a crucial discovery reveals that the ubiquitous onion domes of the churches testify to earlier generations who previously landed on the moon, whose secret knowledge is finally revealed to the hero.
Perhaps, this feature is even more intricate than Perfumed Nightmare, which broke with all cinematic conventions. Pat Aufderheide’s written commentary on Turumba equally applies to this movie escapade. Tahimik “makes canny use of the accidental and the available, turning junk-littered reality into art the same way that the Filipinos turn the detritus of industrialism into handicrafts. [The movie’s] style is ingenuous [but] the film’s vision of the conflicts inherent in progress on Western and capitalist terms is anything but innocent.”
Director: Kidlat Tahimik
Actors: Kidlat Tahimik, Kitlat Gottlieb De Guia, Gisela Wolfbauer, Victor de Guia, Tom Richter, Katrin Müller De Guia u. a.
Camera: Kidlat Tahimik, Butch Perez u. a.
Montage: Kidlat Tahimik, Karl Fugunt
Animation: Santy Bose u. a.
Production Design/Special Effects: Kidlat Tahimik
Productionassistence: Katrin Müller De Guia, Patricia De Guia, Jürgen
Special Gratitude: Filmbüro Gruppe 3
Special Energy Sources: Katrin Lus, Kidlat Gottlieb, Kawayan Thor
Kidlat-Kalog Productions 1979